Ever have one of those weeks? You know the kind — when the pediatrician refers your child to the hospital, and you find out all the water pipes in your house need to be torn out and replaced, and your bank account takes an unexpected hit and… oh wait, that’s the one I just had. But alas, #Friyay.
I used to feel guilty when I looked forward to the weekend because I wanted to hibernate. I saw it as a form of running away from my problems. Now, I realize if I stay on this side of a very fine line, it’s actually a form of necessary self care… something I must do in order to be healthy enough to face my struggles head on.
For me, self care is very closely related to coziness. Sometimes you just gotta bake the comfort food, go to yoga, schedule a massage, shop Target’s dollar spot, read for pleasure, wear the comfy shoes instead of the heels, or winter boots. I guess what I’m trying to say is, take a little time to do what you have to do, to be able to do what you have to do.
Take care of yourself this weekend, friend.