What is a Coziness Consultant? So glad you asked.

I’m often asked “So what does a Coziness Consultant do?” The answer? A little bit of everything. I’m not an interior designer, although I design interiors. I’m not a professional organizer, although I regularly help people reorder their spaces to make them more practical, intuitive and family-friendly. Here’s the bottom line…

A few years ago my husband and I took a good, long look at what we wanted our lives to be about. We wrote down our personal values and began asking questions about how they translated into our everyday life. We wanted our home to be inviting; a soft place to land. We wanted to host dinner parties and create art and facilitate connection and vulnerability. We wanted to simplify our everyday living so we could focus on what was most important to us. But in order to make this a reality, we were going to have to fix a few things. It started with incremental changes that have piled up into something beautiful, worth while, and flawed in the sweetest ways. Today, anything I buy is intentional… so that every detail exists to create the cozy, personal, welcoming space reflective of the people we really are.

In full disclosure, I’m a freelance copywriter by day. Consulting on coziness is a passion turned position… and I couldn’t be more grateful. So now, what do you need? A mudroom that’s less cluttered and more efficient? A warmer living room? An all-out home renovation? I’m just the sort of friend to help you give these plans some life.

