Let us feast

I’ve had some trouble getting into the Fall spirit as it’s still 80 degrees here in West Michigan but I’m sorry, I just can’t bear the thought of sweating my way through a pumpkin patch. Lots of people love this weather and I’m not complaining — it IS beautiful — I’m just daydreaming of throw blankets and slippers, and rain boots and plaid scarves, and hot cider and apple pies, like a civilized Midwesterner. 😉But even with our unseasonable temps, today was decidedly cozy – because of my people.

When the babe fell asleep just as church let out, we decided on a Sunday drive out in the country to let her rest. We saw old barns and new fences, bumped along gravel roads and happened upon a small pond. We held hands and made jokes and enjoyed the feeling of having an almost 7 month old who has finally grown to tolerate an afternoon car ride.

It felt a little more like transitioning out of newborn survival mode into becoming a family — to a backdrop of passing orchards and changing leaves.
Then this evening we popped over for dinner with friends. We arrived expecting to order pizzas to keep things simple – but she’d prepared a veritable hygge feast! Italian sausage soup, challah bread and yummy roasted veggies with feta and farro a la Smitten Kitchen. We caught up on work life and ate seconds and basked in the safety of being known, juggling kids and stories and making plans to do it all again next week. It was that good kind of chaos we all need a little more of.

As we transition into the season of gratitude and harvest, make space for a little savoring. Don’t put off making plans with those you really love. It doesn’t have to be a holiday, pizza on any old Sunday will do. Thanks for filling our hearts and bellies, Havilah.