Sweet nostalgia… and bread

You know that one dish you simply must have every Thanksgiving…? Or maybe you occasionally travel back to a place you once lived and eat through a list of foods you can’t get anywhere else. I personally believe nostalgia has a lot to do with coziness. Especially when it comes to food. We make sentimental attachments through all of our senses and taste is one of the strongest.
All this week I’m going to feature foods that carry a deeper story for me. Today it’s this bread. I make this beautiful round loaf for company, for us, for holidays, basically anytime I remember to start it the day ahead.

A few years ago I was part of a cooking club. It was a special group of women – brave, vulnerable women of substance. We’d have a meal theme and each person would contribute a dish… But pretty much ALWAYS this bread. Someone would volunteer to bring it – and instantly be my hero for the evening. Now every time I bake it in my own kitchen, I think about those evenings we literally “broke bread” together, slathered in butter and honest conversation.